Congrats! Here's Your...Pat on the Back? | By Liz Jernigan |
So you spent hours, upon hours, upon MORE hours studying your brains out to pass the bar exam. You get your results back and your firm is so happy for you that they send out a company wide email asking for co-workers to "reach out and congratulate" those who passed. Um, excuse me? That'... |
Party Time! Bonus Time! Or Not. | By Liz Jernigan |
I can't believe it's already December. It's amazing how fast time flies by, especially during the holiday season. I mean, seems like yesterday I was busy preparing a turkey, that I would inevitably screw up. Ugh.Just like you and me, law firms are busy around this time of year, too.Typic... |
Bankruptcy Work, Anyone?? | By Liz Jernigan |
We've all been hearing about the big three automakers and their current financial woes. It's dominated much of the news coverage as of late. The automakers are grappling with Washington trying to convince them of their bailout worthiness.Regardless of what Washington eventually chooses to do... |
Stanford to Switch to Pass/Fail Grades | By Stony Olsen |
Ah, a pass fail grading system. In law school, it's seldom used, since you can't have a "top of the class>" honor. But Yale Law School has used it for many years; primarily because they can: every student at Yale will get a job. Now, Stanford Law School is <... |
Law Professor Sues His Students | By Stony Olsen |
You can have bad days at law school. But the worst has got to be when you show up for class and the prof starts handing out subpoenas. That's exactly what happened at The William H. Bowen School of Law at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, Arkansas. Professor Richard Pe... |
Yale Law School to forgive some student loans | By Stony Olsen |
Yale Law School has <a xhref="">announced</a> that it will forgive student loans for it's graduates earning less than $60,000 a year. This is an attempt on the part of Yale to encourage more public interest lawyers, since one reaso... |
JuicyCampus Controversy | By Stony Olsen |
Perhaps you have heard of It's a website where students can post anonymous posts about fellow students in the style of bathroom graffiti. The attorney generals of New Jersey and Connecticut sued the site, claiming that the site violated consumer fraud statutes by not... |
US News Law School Rankings Leaked? | By Stony Olsen |
The US
News Law School Rankings are supposed to be released on March 28th. Apparently,
they've been <a
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Harvard Law to waive tuition for 3L's | By Stony Olsen |
This is yet another reason to not like Harvard if you aren't there. Today, Dean Kagan announced a plan to waive tuition for 3L's who pledge to spend 5 years working for non-profits or the government--in other words, become public interest lawyers. That comes out to about $40,000 in sav... |
Real Men of Law School |By Stony Olsen |
There's a hysterical series of videos put out by the George Washington School of Law. These parody the "Real Men of Genius" series of ads that Anheuser-Busch corporation has done for their "Bud Light" brand of beer. George Washington's video's are pretty funny, with ... |