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Dear JD2B
Dear JD2B
Dear JD2B
Exam Stress
I have exams coming up soooooo soon and I do not feel prepared! Do you have any last minute study suggestions or advice?
posted 2008-12-04 17:02:24
Dear iLOVElawschool,
You need to focus on what you least understand. It's sort of like the old test mantra about answering all the "easy" questions first and then focus on the ones you don't understand. If you already have a fairly firm grasp on Torts, focus more on other classes you struggled in. Fight the urge to freak out and run away from studying, it won't be much longer till the holiday break and you can blow off all your steam then. Keep your head in the books and don't get down in the dumps.Good luck!
Dear JD2B
Crazy Study Partner
I'm a 1L and there's a girl in one of my study sessions who is a total know it all. She has always rubbed me the wrong way, and I've never found her especially smart or intuitive, but it's just come to light that this is her SECOND year as a 1L...that's right, she FLUNKED out last year. She's always on her high horse and monopolizes our study sessions and now it's perfectly clear she's no expert. What do I do?
Annoyed 1L
posted 2008-11-21 17:41:25
Dear Annoyed 1L,
There's always one of those it seems. Well, it's always best to handle things tactfully, especially in the conservative environment of law schools. Try and firmly stand your ground if she disputes an argument of yours, and trust your gut about her opinions. If she seems to be messing up the study sessions and you and your fellow 1ls aren't getting the appropriate amount of studying and information exchanges in the meetings, encourage others to stand up to her as well.
Dear JD2B
My Professor Sucks
There’s an insane professor at my law school. Believe me…he acts weird and works himself into a rage if someone so much as sneezes. This is ridiculous! What should I do? Every class with him is a nightmare. We are not in kindergarten anymore. Help!
posted 2007-06-04 04:49:51
Dear CC,
I hope you’re exaggerating when you say that your professor “works himself into a rage if someone so much as sneezes.” If your professor is absolutely impossible to deal with, I would advise you to drop out of the class, wait a term, and see if you can take the same course with another professor whose personality meshes better with yours. If it’s too late in the term to drop the class, just hang in there as best you can. Try not to take things too personally. Remember that you only have to withstand his company for a couple more months. After that, you will be free. Best of luck.
Law School Profile
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The University of Michigan Ann Arbor School of Law or the Michigan School of Law as it is popularly known is one of the oldest law schools of the U.S. and it consistently ranks among the top 10 law schools of the U.S. in rankings published by different sources and organizations. Michigan Law School is considered to have one of the best campuses and collegiate environment among U.S. law schools.
Articles By Harrison Barnes